Our Ministries


Sunday School & Small Groups

We offer classes each Sunday morning from 9-10 A.M. for both kids and adults. We have childcare for babies and toddlers and Sunday School classes for elementary through high school students as well as groups for young adults, seniors, and couples where you can find your community and study God’s Word.

ADULTS & Seniors

Weekly Bible Study

Navigating life as a parent, senior, widow or widower is done best in the context of Christian community. Through the study of God’s Word, we learn about who Jesus is and who He calls us to be. Check out our weekly Bible Study groups to find other individuals who will encourage you in your faith and walk with you through life's ups and downs.

Wednesday Mornings at 10 A.M.

Wednesday Evenings at 6 P.M. via Zoom

Sunday Evenings at 6 P.M. *twice per month


Blessings of Hope

We are a Blessings of Hope partner ministry and each week we help to distribute food to those in need – becoming not just a handout, but a tool to bring Hope to the Akron community. How does it work? Blessings of Hope receives surplus food from hundreds of area food suppliers, and partner ministries (like us) select what they need and distribute it to their communities. We are always in need of volunteers to help with these efforts so if you're looking for a way to give back, join us!

Wednesday Mornings from 9 A.M. - 12 P.M.

To learn more, click here.

Seniors & Children

Intergenerational Ministry

Our intergenerational ministry pairs a child from the church with an adult mentor from the church. Mentors pray for their child and the children enjoy making crafts and meeting with their mentor throughout the year. We are always looking for faithful volunteers who are ready to pour into the lives of our young ones!

Contact the church office for more information: office@akronpacc.org



We support various missions organizations and missionary families throughout the year, highlighting one specific mission per month. From disaster relief efforts to Operation Christmas Child boxes, our goal is to provide tangible or financial support and prayer for those sharing God's word abroad. Are you interested in serving on a missions trip or participating in a disaster relief trip? We offer multiple opportunities each year, to be the hands and feet of Jesus and serve those in need.

Contact the church office for more information: office@akronpacc.org

Akron Community Church

Get to Know Us

Our mission is to connect others to a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ. Our church is a community that welcomes others with open arms, and gives generously to those in need. Our commitment is to help people of all ages be growing followers of Jesus who love God and love people. Whether you are new to church or new to Akron, we hope this place feels like home.

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